Member Testimonials

Member Testimonials.

It is hard to put into official words a way to appropriately describe what it is like to be a member of Unique. Interested in whether or not Unique is the right place for you? Check out what out members are saying about Unique! Current members can provide a testimonial by visiting this page.

You may also be interested in checking out member meetups!

Unique has been my one and only family. Sure a member may not get along with another at one time or another but family members fight, and that is what I love. We are able to overcome our difficulties, forgive, and be family. Unique will always be my home no matter what (I feel like a grandpa of the group since I’ve been here forever). Everyone is there for each other in times of difficulty as well as happiness and they have helped me so much.

I have always been one to enjoy sites similar to Subeta, I was an avid Neopets player for almost 4 years and in all the time spent there I have never made as many friends since I joined Unique and I have only been a member in Unique for about 9 months. Subeta is more of just a fun site to go to now because I have reason to go there. Yes I of course enjoy working on my pets and all that, but it is much more fun talking with all of the great friends I have made and working on my pets at the same time. Everyone is friendly and at first I was a little hesitant to apply because the application process seemed lengthy, so I chatted with the members on the forum for a month and after speaking with everyone and seeing how friendly they all were, I knew this would be the place for me to call home. Unique has definitely allowed me to build friendships that I value and truly enjoy, I could not imagine Subeta without Unique.

I have been on Subeta for almost 7 years. In that time, I never really made any friends, save for a few I knew before then. I was content to just stay in my own little corner of the site, minding my own business. Hardly posting in the forums, not fully participating in plots, not really being active. Unique has changed that. I have met so many wonderful people, and made so many friends. Being part of Unique has really breathed life into me. I don’t know how I got along without these fantastic individuals before. They are my new online family. The forums are always filled with life, the activities are fun, and everyone is just… have I said wonderful? I did. I also said fantastic. AWESOME. EVERYONE IS AWESOME.

I am a recent member of Unique and I have to admit at first I was a bit worried. Everyone seemed to know each other so well that I was a bit scared that I wouldn’t fit in. Well, I was wrong! During the short time I have been here I have gotten to know a few of the members really well and it has been a blast. I enjoy hanging out and talking to them and even when Subeta seems boring there’s usually always someone around to talk to. I am so glad I decided to join because this have been an awesome few months. You guys are wonderful. <3

I held off joining a group for a really long time because I wanted to find one that would be permanent first try. I first stumbled onto the Unique thread after about 3 years on subeta and looking over the forum and website it seemed like the perfect place for me, the no-focus aspect of the group made it an awesome choice for someone who does a bit of everything. All the members were so welcoming, even before I had actually become a member and was just chatting on their applications/cult thread. It’s such an engaging place with so many things to do, people to speak to and ways to help out if you want – all without being overwhelming like some of the giant groups out there. We are a really close-knit group of people but that doesn’t mean that a newbie won’t settle in with us, we are super enthusiastic to meet new people! I can pretty much guarantee you will find a few members to form life friendships with, our members frequently send post cards, little gifts etc and even visit each other on rare occasions! VALHALLA spent two weeks with me, flying from California to Scotland on a student exchange and it was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had 🙂 I look forward to seeing anyone new and hope you have as much of great time here as I do!

I was alone on Subeta for a lot of years and unable to connect with anyone. No groups seemed to fit right for me and I never applied for more than one that didn’t promote friendship as a priority. Once I found Unique I automatically put in an application because the whole thing felt right.

The group has become my family and helped me through the best and worst of times. I’m so happy to find everyone and get to know them. They’re my little internet family and I love them

I originally found Unique through a friend of mine, you know that whole “Try it out it’ll be fun!”, it was amazing! The personalities and interests here vary so much yet you’ll always find a common ground. There is always something going on in Unique! That’s the great part about this group, it’s always improving. Be it with a personality or a something fun, we always go out of our way to try and interest you! In 2012, I was going through some rough times. I thought that leaving Unique would be a good idea, help me find myself. I never forgot my friendships here, and neither did the members. After a huge let down, I got an anonymous mail from a member I’d been really close with suggesting to me that if I wanted to rejoin it’s only an application away. It took very little consideration and I reapplied. I quickly came to realize that leaving Unique was one of the biggest mistakes I’d ever made. We aren’t just a group, we are a family. We are friends that care about each other. I took that for granted and doubted the friendships I had. There is nothing thicker than the Bee bonds within Unique, Remember we are all part of the Hive-mind 🙂

I’ve met some of my best friends on Subeta through Unique. I’m so close to them that they were the first people I shared my engagement with while we were having one of our weekly chats a couple years ago. It’s a really tight knit community of supportive and caring people. I can’t imagine Subeta without my beloved groupies being a part of it. I used to have trouble pinpointing my favorite part of Subeta, but since I joined the group a few years ago, it’s hands down been Unique. Seriously, best Subeta decision I’ve ever made. If you’re thinking about applying, don’t hesitate. I wouldn’t give up my home on Subeta for anything.

I’ve never had many friends off-line, but it’s so amazing to have wonderful friends to stand by you during bad times (and even better to have them there during good times!). Unique was really the first place I’ve felt that, and I couldn’t be happier.

Unique’s members are really my *family* in Subeta, and without hesitation I can say that Unique is definitely home. Over the three years I’ve been part of this diverse and one-of-a-kind community, I have bonded with so amazing people I probably never would’ve met otherwise. Also, Unique has also helped me stay active on Subeta, because without these amazing persons, and the wonderful and random conversations we have, I probably would have quit a while ago. They really are the reason I have stuck around, and the ones who can brighten even my rainiest days.

I have been a part of Unique for a bit over four years now. No matter your fandom, obsession, love, hate, real life issues, pixel issues – you can be sure there will be someone here who will happily listen to you rant, rave, brag, cry, laugh with. The friends I have made here I could not imagine my time without having this family to turn to. You all rock! **hugs**

Unique is hands-down the reason that I still play Subeta. What started as a small group of my friends that had moved over from Neopets transformed into a group on Subeta full of people from all walks of life and around the world. People that I have gotten to know on a really real level, mailed gifts to for Christmas, valentines for Valentines Day, postcards while I traveled the UK. I even spent two and a half weeks staying and traveling with a Unique member and close friend (FLUX) in Scotland after my summer abroad program for university concluded. Whatever you are looking for in a group on Subeta, I can guarantee that you will find friends here that you will cherish for years to come.