Group Rules

At Unique, we expect our members to maintain certain standards in the Group and around Subeta, as we are all ambassadors of Unique. Failure to adhere to these standards can result in disciplinary action, up to and including removal from Unique.

Group Rules

Being a member of Unique signifies your acceptance of our rules. As such, we have a Three Strikes Rule in place for forum offences such as spamming, not following rules, active membership, etc. If you get warned on three separate occasions within a year period for breaking any group rules, you may be asked to leave Unique.

  1. Being an active member of Unique entails being an active member of our Proboards Forum. We do remove inactive memberships on a regular basis. Please read the section below for more information on what is considered an active membership, and why we have this rule!
  2. Treat your fellow Group members with the respect that they deserve – Unique is a calm and friendly environment. Trolling or disrespectful behavior towards other members will not be tolerated.
  3. Please show tolerance to your fellow group members. Though it should go without saying, all members should show courtesy to each other even if you have a different view. Different does not always mean wrong.
  4. Please be sure to remain polite and constructive when considering new member applications by following these guidelines. Failure to do so may result in your no longer being able to vote on applications.
  5. Should you have an issue with a member, please talk to them about it. Too often, we will let things stew and that never ends well. We need to be able to talk to each other and sort things before they get out of hand. Please discuss privately via the forum PM system or sMail – the rest of Subeta doesn’t really need to read about it! If you would prefer to talk with a Staff member about it, or require mediation, please do not hesitate to ask Tinkerbell or Silvy, we would be happy to help!
  6. Please be sure to read all the rules for the different events and activities hosted by Staff to ensure that your entries/submissions/participation are counted. Failure to read and comply with the rules will result in disqualification from the activity.
  7. To avoid confusion, if you change your Subeta username, please post on this topic with your new username. Failure to do so may result in removal from the group.
  8. In order to eliminate confusion, Tinkerbell or Silvy will post on a locked topic on the forums when a member is no longer with Unique. We will not post a reason as to why they are gone nor will we provide any further information to the matter – so please don’t ask. Also, please do not ask the former member why they are no longer with us, either. If they want to share then that is fine, but it is inappropriate to ask them.
  9. Please refrain from publicly complaining about Unique, its features, its members, etc on Subeta. We welcome and encourage constructive feedback, but please share your opinions in this forum.
  10. It is mandatory to join the Forum Group #Unique, since it brings to all our members important announcements from Staff on the 1st and 15th of each month.

Active Membership

  1. Being an active member of Unique entails being an active member of our Proboards Forum. This is where our activities, announcements, chatter and more occur – and it is the heart of the Group.
  2. To us, joining Unique is like becoming a part of the family, and we do not take new additions lightly – we have an intensive application process that shows us who the applicant really is, and we take great care in ensuring that each new member will be a good fit with the existing family. With such care being taken in the application process, it goes without saying that we wish to interact with all of our members and get to know them. The only way to do this is to chat with members and to participate in events. In order to accomplish both of those things, usage of the Forums is necessary. ;)
  3. For the reasons listed above, each member is expected to make a minimum of 5 posts per month. This is basically one post a week plus either checking in, or answering the poll, so we don’t feel it’s too much to ask. However, if you will be busy with real life, such a during a crazy time at school, a new baby, surgery, moving, a busy time at work, please, just let us know! We WILL work with you, because we want our bees to stay with us
  4. Please remember that 5 posts in our Proboards Forum is the absolute minimum to stay in the Group, but it is not a number to aim for! We’d love to see everyone still posting as much as they can, because activity attracts activity!

Forum Rules

Use of Unique’s forums signifies your acceptance of these rules, so please read these prior to posting!

  1. What is discussed in Proboards, stays within these boards. Anyone found to be talking about anything that is mentioned here will be immediately banned from Unique. We want a safe environment for our members, and want to ensure that we feel safe discussing our secret tips, strategies, rants, hates, loves, etc.
  2. Your Proboards username needs to be the same as your Subeta username.
  3. Respect your fellow Group members, failure to do so can lead to banning from the Forums.
  4. Do not spam! (This includes double posting unless it has been at least two weeks since the last post.)
  5. Follow the Group rules at all times.
  6. Posters should do their best to remember to post ***POTENTIAL SPOILER ALERT*** at the top of posts as necessary when discussing current TV shows, books or films, but that ultimately, you read at your own peril.

Multi-group Rules

  1. Multi-group memberships are currently allowed, but only within the context of the rules below. Failure to adhere to these rules may result in your removal from Unique.
  2. Multi-group memberships only extend to focus group (HAs, battle, etc). Unique is a no focus group (the original!) and memberships in other no-focus group is not permitted at this time. If you decide to join a focus group, don’t forget that if you do not meet the 5 post per month requirement, you will be removed from Unique for inactivity. We are very up front about our rules in the application process, including the activity requirement, so please do not join other groups if you do not feel that you will be able to give your full attention to us and the other group – it is not fair to anyone and we do not want to lose you!
  3. If you are a Staff member for Unique, you are not permitted to be Staff or run another Group (unless approved by Silvy.)
  4. You are not permitted to discuss Unique events, activities, members, or things discussed on the forums/Slack/Discord with other Groups. Remember, what is said here, stays here!
  5. Please do not talk about your other Group(s) within Unique; just as we expect privacy, we request that you honor the privacy of other group(s) as well.
  6. Do not recruit members of Unique to other groups without being asked about other focus group suggestions first.

This is a list of approved groups with a specific focus for multi-group memberships:

  • Enigma (Achievements, run by Tinkerbell)
  • The Round Up (Collecting, run by former member illusion)
  • Chic (HAs and Fashion)
  • Daily Item (HAs)
  • Jellybean (HAs)
  • Subetan Runway (HAs)
  • Menagerie (Pets)
  • Tartarus (Battle)

Slack rules

Slack is Unique’s own chat room, and use of Unique’s signifies your acceptance of these rules.

  1. Follow Unique’s rules at all times.
  2. Please keep conversations PG-13 between 8AM and 10PM Subeta Time. After 10PM Subeta Time it is “After Dark”, and anything goes! **
  3. Don’t post spoilers without asking around first. Many of us watch the same shows but may not be at the same place, and it would hate to be spoiled about something on accident!
  4. Don’t be outright rude to other members. This is our Ohana. So behave. (Remember that all rules apply for Slack usage!)
  5. During all Slack events, your name must be the same as your Subeta/Proboards username.
  6. Don’t impersonate anyone else in the chat room, please just be yourself, we like you like that!

**Please show respect for your fellow Bees! Remember that we are all from different backgrounds, with different views and opinions. There are also some underage bees and even adult bees who might feel offended by sensitive topics. We don’t want any bee to feel uncomfortable because of explicit talks during the day time in our chatroom, so show consideration of the other bees in the chat. If you have the urge to talk about explicit adult topics, feel free to do so between 10pm and 8am Subeta time, or make sure that all other bees in the room are comfortable with the topics being discussed. If you ever feel uncomfortable in a conversation please mention this directly, and it shouldn’t be a problem for the other bees to turn back to family friendlier topics immediately.**

If you have a concern about a member or stuff happening in the Slack channel, please contact Silvy or Tinkerbell!