Big Bees

Big Bees of Unique

Big-Bee-BadgeJoining a new group is much like the first day at a new school: scary. Everyone already knows one another, there are rules in place that you aren’t aware of yet, and even the most outgoing of people can have a difficult time adjusting or feeling at home.

This is why we started the Big Bees program! While we used to pair all new members with veteran members who volunteered to help, currently our Group’s mascot Aditya is the Big Bee by default. She will help answer any questions that the “Newbee” may have, and serve as a friend to help make them feel at home. Big Bee “assignments” will last the first month of the new member’s membership with Unique.

Do you have what it takes to be a Big Bee?

If you have been an active member for at least one month and have 20 forum posts, send Silvy a message!