Category: Meetups

julen & mieke

Mieke & Impulse, Aug 2016

In August, Mieke and Julen (Impulse) spent a fun day together!  We had fun! We played some games, ate CHINESE food, AND pizza. And I selfied with Merlin, so

Zabrie & MAR, July 2014

I was in El Paso visiting my friend who just moved there for medical school. Since Anne Marie lives nearby in New Mexico, we decided to meet up. My friends and I met up...

Jenea & Jeanine

Bytail & Virtual, May 2014

In May, Virtual/Jeanine (pronounced Jeh-neen) had the opportunity to stop by Bytail/Jenea (pronounced Jeh-nay) for a quick meetup at her work in Colorado at the Dinosaur Resource Center! We took a tour around the museum...

kela silvy

Silvy & Zabrie, December 2013

A friend of mine had gotten married during the summer and lived in Fort Worth, Texas, and she invited me to spend New Year’s with her. Kela and I had talked about a possible...

Saved and Katrasyn, December 2013

We looked for an apartment for Paula, while all of the salespeople thought we were lovers. We had amazing pizza. We watched Hunger Games. Epicness happened.

VALHALLA and FLUX, June 2013

  VALHALLA and FLUX, June 2013 Kal traveled to Scotland from California for a summer abroad uni program, and spent two and a half weeks on holiday with Awena galivanting around. Their escapades included riding in...