Bytail & Virtual, May 2014

Dinosaur Resource CenterDinosaur Resource Center

In May, Virtual/Jeanine (pronounced Jeh-neen) had the opportunity to stop by Bytail/Jenea (pronounced Jeh-nay) for a quick meetup at her work in Colorado at the Dinosaur Resource Center!

We took a tour around the museum full of dinosaurs, large and small. This little guy reminded me of something out of Transformers–his skeleton was probably only 2-3 feet tall 😡

I also liked the kid’s area where my hubby and I doodled some animal embosses with crayons and then played in the excavating area uncovering some bones!

Dinosaur Resource Center

Jenea/Bytail all dressed in green!

I need to take a snapshot also of all the goodies I bought there including a dinosaur rubber ducky for my mom, some shirts, and a dino bank for my boss 😉

After buying ALL the things, we headed out to lunch at Circle H Smokehouse. Jenea/Bytail and I are both carnivorous 😛 and chowed down some amazing BBQ po-boy sandwiches! Seems she’s also a coffee addict like myself! How fun ;D


– Virtual/Jeanine

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