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Buzzworthy: Unique's Monthly Newsletter


August 2013



TV Nights: Vote Now!

EPICon Raffle

Results from Unique's Favorite Food Poll: Did Chinese win? Find out and then vote in our newest poll!

Honey Bee Award (August) | Patience

"I found this to be really cool, so I thought I'd recognize the post. Seeing the way a person keeps their computer and the background they have is an interesting way to get to know one another!"

"Nat is always around and willing to lend an ear to anyone that needs to chat. She is a sweetie and I would love to see her be MOTM to recognize her for being there for members and appearing to participate in all the activities!"

Congratulations Patience!


Remember to nominate!
Every member can nominate one member a month.

Nominate now!

Aug 1 - Cherie Aug 4 - Kamelot Aug 17 - Tinkerbell

Aug 3 - czar Aug 8 - Chesid  

August Spotlights
Gallery Spotlight | Holiday Haberdashery | Owner: Eleandra
Pet Spotlight | Nayuke | Owner: skylinexheights

Submit your completed galleries & pets to taffysm via forum PM!

Activities: earn Pollen Points by participating!

Coloring Challenge: (25 PP)
Color this inspirational calendar (bee/flower minimum) and post your final piece!

Wordsearch (25 PP)

Finish this wordsearch and send the completed puzzle to Tinkerbell!

Movie Scene Challenge: Name that Movie! (100 PP)

Figure out the name of this movie & PM your answer to Tinkerbell!

Recipe of the Month (150PP)
This month's recipe is Braised Balsamic Chicken!
Go to forum »

Submit to Buzzworthy!
If you have a creative idea that you would love to feature in the newsletter, please submit your story, art, or contest idea on our website.


Aditya's Adventures

Written by: Tabatha

Swat, click, crunch, swat. The pattern went on and on as Aditya stared intently at the game, trying to hit every bug possible on the screen. She moved her wrist as quickly as possible, only to miss the fifth bug to escape the screen. Groaning in frustration, she watched as the game reloaded on her screen. The score of 113 that she'd managed wouldn't be enough to count towards her EPICon points. For the fourth time today, Aditya had wasted an entire game. It didn't surprise her too much as gaming had never been her forte, that sort of thing was always more of Brian's thing after all. He likely had a perfect score for EPICon so far while she'd barely made maybe half of the points.

With a soft sigh, Aditya turned in her chair, looking around her room for something else to do. In the corner laid her Emma costume for the cosplay event which she'd already had her picture taken for. Now that voting was under way, there wasn't much else to do for the dress up portion of the Con. What else was there really to do? She didn't want to play anymore annoying video games that she could barely score points for. Her quests for the day were already finished, her pocket bulging with the amount of sP she'd earned from them.

Aditya stood from her chair, leaving her room to walk around Unique's hive. She lived in the central part of the hive, next door to Kal as they were the only two Unique members to not belong to an assigned hive. The other four mini-hives surrounded them, but Aditya had no interest in pestering anyone from the other hives today. Instead she began to descend to the bottom of the main hive to see if anyone wanted to go on an adventure with her today, anything to get her mind off the stupid bugs that just wouldn't die.

There she found two members discussing the EPICon, one who she recognized as Kitten currently voiced her opinion. "So tired of all the games, they need to have a RS war damn it," she huffed, crossing her arms.

The other Unique member speaking with her nodded in agreement. Suddenly, it gave Aditya an idea. Hadn't the UniqueCon done a restock battle between the hives? Bouncing excitedly, Aditya rushed back upstairs to Kal's room and knocked on her door much harder than she should have. When the queen bee opened her door, Aditya wasted no time explaining her idea in hushed tones. In moments, Kal's face lit up with just as much as excitement as Aditya felt. "Take Tabby with you," Kal instructed, "She can help you set up the shop and get things in order.

Aditya nodded, "On it boss!" Grinning brightly, she left Kal at her quarters to head off to Plan Bee in search for the Hive Leader to help her go get some items and set up the shop. Oh how she couldn't wait to start yet another restock battle with the hives!


Caption Contest


Vote for your favorite caption & stay tuned for the next caption contest!
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