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Buzzworthy: Unique's Monthly Newsletter


May 2013

Unique's Fourth Anniversary


Pollen Point Lottery

Honey Shop

Find us on Facebook! Buddy a member and request to be added to our group!

Forum Updates:
- Added honey shop. It can be used although more items are still being added. Please refer to this guide on how to use it.
- Recognize someone for their contribution on the forums with the new "Recognize Post" button

In progress:
- Added 'recognized' post feature by altering the report posts feature.
- Activity module has been added and being worked on. Should be up early May.
- Honey Points and Pollen Points are both live on profiles.
- New award page is up (hive rank page)

Honey Bee Award | Heal

"She has been super active and supremely nice and all around awesome She is always there when I need to talk. She makes me feel better even though she is going through a lot as well."

"OK. Gotta go with Heal/Ambly, because she's been pretty amazing and active lately, and she's really been trying to start some new things and get going."

"I'd like to vote for Heal. I think she's been extremely active on the forum and the sb as well. She's also amazingly kind and sweet and totally deserves it."

Congratulations Ambly!



May 3 - Saw May 5 - ColorBlind May 21 - taffysm
May 21 - Silvy May 31 - Chesid  

May 6 - Opalize May 18 - POISON May 29 - VALHALLA
May 29 - Silvy    

Gallery Spotlight | Minions Galore | Owner: Kimono
Pet Spotlight | Raika | Owner: CrazyWolf

Submit your completed galleries & pets to taffysm via forum PM!

Activities: earn Pollen Points by participating!

Color the image: (75 PP)

Color in this Mother's Day flower (and then send it to a loved one!) Post your completed drawing.

A mother's day picture scramble: (50 PP)

Finish this scrambled picture and send the completed puzzle to Tinkerbell!

Wordsearch (50 PP)

Finish this wordsearch and send the completed puzzle to Tinkerbell!

Recipe of the Month (150PP)
This month's recipe is Chicken Lettuce Wraps!
Go to forum »

Time Warp Remix by VALHALLA
It's astounding;
Time is fleeting;
Murder takes its toll.

I remember going thru the time rift
To try and solve mysteries
From an age long past

And the void would be calling

Let's do the time rift again!
Let's do the time rift again!

It's just a stroll to the Ikumoradeekanox
Then a step to the race track
Put your hand on the keyboard

Bring your breath in sloooowww
But it's the keyboard stroke
That drives you insane

Let's do the time rift again!
Let's do the time rift again!


An Interview with Silvy | Interviewed by heal
What brought you to Unique? What made you want to be a part of our little family?
Whoo time to reminisce, can I get some nice background music... with a flute as principal instrument? Ahh thank you

Back on 2009, before Unique was created, I was part of a forum community where I met and hung out with Kal, Taffy, Kela, Tabs, and a few other amazing girls. One day Kal told me she was creating a cult, and when she told me about Unique, and the members that were joining, I knew I had to join as well. Back then we still didn't have offsite forums or bee theme yet.... we used the subeta cult forums! But before going off-topic, my main drive to join Unique was the people who were back then joining our family. And that's the reason I've stayed around for these almost 4 years

We know that you're a staff member, but what is it that you do for us all?
I wasn't staff for a while, but I think I did have some resposabilities since the beginning, since I suggested our monthly competition of Top Yakker and kept track of posts since the early days. However, when Kal offered me staff & admin position I was really happy to be able to help the Hive with what I could. Besides Top Yakker & Yak to the Gold, I've kept track of posts and the Pollen Points administration. I also run Pollination Day and keep track of Hive Ranks.

It might seem a lot, but things are not *always happening* so I can program my days so I can do cult duties without much worries, even when I'm at work. And if that means going to bed a bit later sometimes, so bee it :P

But what is it that you do outside of the cult? Do you have a career, hobbies? Are you in school?
Outside of the cult I actually have a life :P I work in a science and technology museum in Monterrey, Mexico where I'm in charge of school visits and kids events (parties & first communions). There are also some cultural events that are run by me as well. It's a handful, really, but having the weekend mostly always off is a great perk. Plus I love the museum so much: I joined in 2003 and left in 2010; after going to the hotel industry, I came back 8 months ago, and it's great.

My hobbies outside work... well I don't have that many, but I go to the gym whenever I can, and out with friends when possible. I also love to watch criminal shows (omg --- *love* for Criminal Minds, and the CSI shows), as well as other series like Gray's Anatomy.

I also lloooooove Backstreet Boys. They are my favorite band EVER. And I also love New Kids on the Block and Midnight Red.
And Backstreet Boys. Seriously.... I've been called a fanatic and obsessed, but it's more of a life-style choice more than fandom LOL

Would you mind telling us what some of your favorite things are?

Other than the ones mentioned above, I love the English language, more than I like Spanish. Proof of this is me never wanting to read books, or watch movies, or listen to songs in spanish. Only in English.

And reading - I love fiction & criminal books, especially if they are mixed up with drama, comedy, and romance LOL Or Harry Potter and Hunger games... as well as Everworld ^^

Is there anything new and exciting happening in your life that you'd like to share with us?
There is! I am about to participate in my first 5K race! It's zombie themed, and it will have several obstacles to pass through. I'll let you know how that goes.... hehehe


Caption Contest


Vote for your favorite caption & stay tuned for the next caption contest!


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