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Buzzworthy: Unique's Monthly Newsletter


February 2013





Hiring: Arcade Beekeeper Staff - We are looking for an Arcade Game Beekeeper to design and run arcade game challenges for the cult!

New Forum Updates!
1) Added spoiler tag
2) Made it so when a member registers their posts show oldest first by default
3) Added new modification for admins in case they forget to log into Adityas account
4) New forum shoutbox!

Learn more about the Forum Changes

Sir NarBee's Guild to Oekaki: The basics

Feb 1 - Bytail Feb 19 - Torrie Feb 25 - Vow

Feb 19 - Orc Feb 28 - Tinkerbell  

New Members: Colorblind, Ashly, Brettney, Corset, Vienna, Gabriela, Tide, Kimono, Eleandra, Sylvvia
Welcome to the cult! We hope that you have unpacked your bags and are here to stay!

Gallery Spotlight | Tack Room | Owner: Lexy
Pet Spotlight | FairyTale | Owner: Silvy
Submit your completed galleries & pets to taffysm via forum PM!

Activities: earn 100 PP by participating!
Spot the difference game (timed) with a valentine theme

Teddy bear matching game

Completing the maze


An Interview with Tinkerbell | Interviewed by blithe
So you won Member of the Month - care to say a few words? Anyone that you want to thank? I have to thank every member of the cult. If it wasn't for the members we wouldn't have such a great family and I wouldn't be motivated to help out as much. So thank you all for being fantastic family members.

What originally attracted you to Unique (and no, the answer is NOT pollen!)
The fact the cult accepted people no matter what their interests were on Subeta. Makes it a lot easier if your interests change as time goes on.

What inspires you? My son. That may sound lame but it is most definitely the truth. He motivates me every day to try harder so I can provide him with the life he deserves.

What did you want to be when you grew up? A child psychologist. I still do sometimes.

Are you on the path to fulfill that career choice? Not that one, no. I have however started a website with my husband which will hopefully lead to more websites and maybe a business online which would be great so I can spend more time at home.

If you could do anything in the world, without cost, what would it be? Travel! Travel everywhere possible and take my family with me so we could all experience what the world has to offer.

Would you rather be deaf or blind? Deaf. I'd rather learn sign language and learn to read lips rather than lose the ability to see the beauty of the world.

What's under your bed? Just a floor!

Have you ever won a trophy or award (other than this prestigious title), and if so what for? I won several awards during school for academics but that is about it

Any new and exciting things that you would like to share? Working on a subeta helpsite! One which has actual guides to help people out rather than just item databases (which is of course still very useful!). I made a board about it on the forum


Thank you's for Tabatha!
In appreciation for the amazing amount of time and work put into the Unique-Con. Special thanks also goes out to Czar & Mieke!

I would like to extend a thank you to Tabatha and everyone that put time and effort into this event.
I really enjoyed it despite not having enough time IRL to commit as I would have liked. All of the effort made has been really appreciated. This event is something that has drawn me into the cult and helped me to feel more 'a part' of things. -Patience

Tabatha you did an amazing job putting this event together, there was actually SO much to it I couldn't do it all! It was great to participate in and try to catch the shop restocking and the autographs was a truly unique idea. Thank you for all your hard work put forward for this event, it means a lot to the cult -Tinkerbell

I absolutely loved the creativity in the events, and I've got to say, even though I failed at it, the hive shop snipe was my absolute favorite! Tabs rocks, end of story <3 -Mieke

Thanks to Tabatha and all the other amazing people that had a part to play in the event. I've never been to a real Con before, but I've always wanted to go to one. Being able to dress up and dutifully collecting autographs and just immerse myself in such a great event has really given me the experience. Thanks so much for the time and effort that went into it. -Caged

Thank you Tabby! I know you worked your butt off to help bring Unique Con together and we cannot thank you enough for all that you've done! <3 -Kramer

I just want to thank them for such a large undertaking. I know that it wasn't as big or as popular as they hoped it would be, and I know I didn't participate as much as I would have liked (stupid real life!) but the events, art and overall atmosphere of the whole UniqueCon was amazing! It was a gamble and a huge chance that they took, but I think it paid off! I remember seeing that at one point 33 people had signed up! That is so awesome to have that many people excited about this wonderful group, and about having fun! -Brettney

Thank you so much for working so hard on UniqueCon, Tabatha. You have been such a welcoming ray of sunshine since I was accepted and joined Unique a week ago. I'm grateful that you took the time to do this for all of us! -Sylvvia

Thank you SO MUCH For taking this idea and making it happen! We worked really hard to come up with ways to implement this as an event for Unique and you really hit the ground running to make it happen. You were on top of everything and passionate about getting it done and I really appreciate the work you put into it - it turned out AWESOME. Thanks to Mieke for helping you out when I was unable, and Zaro did awesome artwork that I still stare at in awe. Awesome job! <3 -Valhalla

I'd just like to thank all the staff, especially Tabs, for putting so much work into the event. I really appreciate everything the staff does. -Mel

You're an amazing lady, Tabby! Unique-con was one of the best events I've attended since joining Unique, and it was full of fun! I loved collecting all the signed photos, Aditya's panel, the cosplays...everything! Keep up the great work, girl! All hail Princess Tabatha~ -Opundo

Thank you for all the hard work put into the Con. This event has been a ton of fun!! *hug* -taffysm

Thank You Tabs for hosting the Con. My fave event was the HA Cosplay and the group one Cosplay too. -Gabriela

Tabs did an amazing job organizing the U-Con, and it was really really fun! There were many things to keep us all busy and it was a really one-of-a-kind event that made it extra unique. You are amazing! My only regret is that I lacked time to participate more. And Zaro... your art blew me away, it was SO AWESOME! Kudos to all the ladies involved in the organization of the U-Con <3 -Silvy

I definitely want to thank Tabatha for being so awesome and putting together the con for us. It was so much fun and I appreciate how much work she put into it. I loved the shop snipe and the Hive Cosplays. So fun! <3 LUV U TABBY!! You rock girl! -Pigwidgeon

Twinsie, your event was absolutely fun and amazing! I'm sorry if we stressed you out at times, but just know that I really did have a grand time participating in this event and I look forward to future events you host! ;u; -czar

Tabatha (and zaro and mieke), Thank you so much for Unique Con; you did an absolutely amazing job of putting it together and keeping it moving! I know I am a new-bee to the cult, but I have to say--this was the most fun and challenging way to meet everyone that I can imagine. I wish I could have been here sooner, so I could have participated more. Everything was so well done it was on par with a Subeta event -- great plot, interesting games, and professional level artwork and writing. I am pretty much without word to fully express my kudos for your hard work, except to say, "I can't wait to do this again next year", and thank you, thank YOU, THANK YOU!!!!! Hugs, Ele

Thanks so much for such a great event. I liked how it incorporated things that we do during Subeta's Cons, but also came up with original events too. The arcade challenge was my favorite, even though I'm not very good at the games. -melaka

Tabatha, you did such an amazing job! I loved the many dimensions to it that made the Con so interesting and fun! I really enjoyed the Hive activity; it was fun to have something to work together with others on! Thank you so much for all the hours you've put into it. (And Zaro's artwork is amazing and really polished everything up!) -Virtual

Tabby is freaking awesome. ♥ I'm so grateful to have her in the cult but also as a friend. c: It's always nice to talk to her, and it's clear that she does sooo much work for the cult! She's really, really great. -blithe

I'd like to say thank you for all the work you committed not only to this event but to the cult in general and I am sorry that I did not get a chance to participate more! -Naerest

Thank you so much Tabby! Gotta say despite my world going to chaos during the event, my fav parts were autographs, and HA contests. You're amazing for all the work you put into the event<333 -Lexy

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