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Buzzworthy: Unique's Monthly Newsletter


January 2013





365 Project - 365 Project is a photo representation of a year in your life through photographs. With 2013 just around the corner, now is the perfect time to make resolutions and start on some new goals. Interact with fellow photobees while improving your skills and being active within Unique!

New Forum Updates!
1) Users can now unvote in a poll (as long as it isn't closed)
2) An email will now be sent to inactive users.
3) You can now quote a user's post into a new PM
4) Open staff positions can now be applied for via forum applications
5) Some topics may be color-coded for distinction
6) Forums are now wider and contain the activity stream on the right-side, along with online staff
7) "Awards" have been renamed to "Hive Ranks"

View all forum updates

Jan 3 - ayden Jan 12 - Mouse2212 Jan 12 - Cassiopeia
Jan 19 - VALHALLA    

Jan 8 - Cassiopeia Jan 17 - teddiursa Jan 23 - Kyosho

New Members: None, Applications reopen January 1, 2013!

Gallery Spotlight | nocturnal | Owner: melaka
Pet Spotlight | Shiiryou | Owner: Naerest
Submit your completed galleries & pets to Kal via forum PM!

Art by Zarokin

Activities: earn PP by participating!
HA event for New Year's Design a Human Avatar which shows how you will be celebrating the coming of the new year. Learn more!

Color in an image from Bee Movie and post it to the forum!


How to successfully restock by Anathema
So, many people may wonder how others get so great at restocking wonderful items. Is it luck? Yes, mostly. But it does take know-how and skill. However, it is quite easy once you figure out how!

Step 1: What are you looking for?
Pick what kind of items you are looking for. There are shops that maximize profit such as Magic Box and Minions Market. Now remember, it is LUCK. Not every restock will have an expensive item available. If you don't see an expensive item, then go for lesser items.

See the full How to successfully restock guide »


An Interview with Taffysm | Interviewed by blithe
So - you won Member of the Month! Care to say a few words for our readers?
YAY!!! First time and yay!! *happy dance* Is there anyone you'd like to thank? Everyone! Thank you for voting me MoM

What originally attracted you to Unique (and no, the answer is NOT pollen!)? Not pollen? What else is there? Sheesh. It was becuase I knew a lot of the original members from the other site that will remain un-named. Most of them have left but the friends I have made here have made me stay. You all rock!

Awe, so sweet!

There are many forms of inspiration. What inspires YOU? My children. Everyday is an adventure for sure. Sometimes it is the most simple things that bring me the greatest joy.

What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to own my own restaurant. I have it all done in my head. Its just the whole actually buying it that eludes me. I mean when I say i have it done I really do right down to the silverware pattern. I have been planning/dreaming of this since I was 5(ish).

Whoa! That's some passion. c:

Are you on the path to fulfill that career choice? Well, kinda, sorta, no. I bake bagels. I love my job but if someone said if you quit today I will buy you a restaurant I would be out the door talking to my boss before you could blink.

And I don't blame you at all! I hope one day you're able to accomplish your dream.

Now. If you could do anything in the world, without cost, what would it be? Dude, read above! :) I would be like in complete heaven. Then I would totally go see the world!

Would you rather be deaf, or blind? Deaf. I can stand not hearing anything but to never be able to se my children would be heartbreaking. At least deaf you can't hear them talk back! ;) Plus not being able to ever read a book. I just could not do that. I read A TON and that would be torture.

What's under your bed? We wanna know! Eww. Do you really want to know? Hmm. *goes and sees* There is a safe with nothing really in it since we have no valuables.. a tote with my husbands summer cloths stored. EEWW! A lot of dog hair. I am so moving the bed to vacuum!!

Have you ever won a trophy or award (other than this prestigious title), and, if so, what for? Um. Oh, well, not anything super fabulous, but I'm so proud. When I was in high school I decided to play softball. I couldn't hit the ball to save my life when I started and catching.. shyeah. By the end of the season I could throw and catch like awesome because my brother Shawn and I would practice for hours and hours. I couldn't hit a home run or anything, but I could hit the ball past the infield. I won a trophy for most improved player. I was like, COOL! Excited. Still have it, too. :DMy one and only ever trophy! *proud* :D

Awe, well, it sounds like you deserved it!

Finally are there any new and exciting things that you would like to share? OOOHHHHH!! Yes, please. So as some of you know we were trying to buy a house this past summer and the *bleeeeeeeeeep* FEMA wouldn't take our house out of the flood zone, even though the house flooded once, in 1912. So we lost almost $1000. =(

So, we had to stop looking sadly. It has taken us the rest of this year, but we are in the position again to look for a house. Our realtor's, Patty, husband is a house flipper. He has the most perfect house ever! I love it more than the one we almost bought. It has two rooms upstairs with a bathroom. Main floor has bedroom, kitchen, dining room, living room, and a bathroom with a tub (my son will be SO excited to see the tub. He HATES showers). The best part? Well, if you need more room, it has a half-finished basement with a bathroom. It needs a new floor, though. The basement is two sections, one for the furnace and bulkhead, and they are separated by real walls and insulated and everything. Plus nice fenced-in yard and a garage. I am hoping this goes better. Patty's husband is licensed in everything and has done a ton of repairs/replace/fixing. With Patty being our realtor through the last fail, she talked to her husband before she showed the house, and he said he would pay the WHOLE closing cost. All we need is the inspection fee, which is about $400. Keep fingers and toes crossed this works out. :D That is all. Thank you! *hugs* Keep Buzzin'!! :D

We'll all certainly be keeping our fingers and toes crossed for you, Taffy! Congrats again on MOTM! c:

Aditya's Adventures

Written by: Tabatha

Aditya hummed happily as she buzzed around the Unique hive. It was only a few hours before midnight when the New Year would be rung in. The hive was quiet as everyone had gone out to celebrate in their own ways, leaving Aditya with the messy hive to clean. Wrapping paper and Luminaire decorations scattered around the place, but she didn't mind in the least. It gave her something to do during the day when everything else was finished.

She had nearly finished cleaning when Aditya found an unopened present. Her brow furrowed as she leant down to pick it up and read the tag, thinking it must've gotten lost in the bustle of Luminaire.

Follow the trail of presents to find a sweet surprise!
-Secret Bee

Strange, she hadn't signed up for the Secret Bee... in fact the event was over now anyways. Frowning, she peeled open the wrapping paper to see what it contained. Inside the wrapped box she found a noise blower. Confused, she looked around the room until she saw another small box. Each time she found a box, it told her to find the next, and each one contained something party themed. It baffled her to no end, was Kal trying to hint that she wanted Aditya to throw some sort of party? Rush week was soon but that wasn't really cause for a full fledge party was it?

As she opened the presents, Aditya didn't notice she was closing in on the hall used for Buzzes and Movie Nights until she entered. "Hm why's it so dark in here?" she mused to herself, fumbling for the lights and gasping when she finally turned them on.

"Surprise!" called several people at once, making Aditya jump, holding her presents to her chest. Several of the IRC usuals plus other members were all around the room, decked out in New Years toys, blowing noise makers and popping poppers that made streamers fly every which way.

Aditya let out an excited giggle before joining the party. "What's this for?" she asked Tabby who had just finished speaking with someone else.

Tabby shrugged, "New Years and Mel's birthday," she explained, nodding towards a group of people surrounding a laptop that showed Captain America for a brief moment before someone stepped in front of it. "Any excuse to party is a good one."

Smiling at Tabby, Aditya excused herself to wish Mel a happy birthday before the clock ticked to midnight. She found herself reading fanfictions with Zaro and Mel when the others in the room starting chanting, counting down to midnight.

Aditya left Mel and Zaro to join the group who were watching the clock, poppers at the ready until the second hand ticked to the twelve and everyone cheered "Happy New Years!" and several poppers went off in every direction, making the air filled with streamers that ended up coating the entire room.

The moment everything began to calm down and everyone started going back to their activities however, the lights went out and an intercom squeaked.

"Happy New Years Unique. Celebrate tonight and have fun, but be prepared. Today marks the beginning of the busiest year Unique has ever had. Many secrets and surprises are on your way and clues may be given at any time. That is all."

The lights came back on and everyone glanced at one another, one question on their mind: What would this new year bring for the hive?

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