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Buzzworthy: Unique's Monthly Newsletter


December 2012



Dec 31 - Steve

Dec 12 - Monkeytreefrogg Dec 17 - Bytail  


New Members:
SHIBA | Torrie | collectyourcourage | Caged | Romance
Welcome to the cult! We hope that you have unpacked your bags and are here to stay!

Gallery Spotlight | I Will Follow You | Owner: Gambino
Pet Spotlight | Lively | Owners: Virtual
Submit your completed galleries & pets to Kal via forum PM!

Monthly Contest by Tinkerbell
Christmas Jigsaw Puzzle: Complete a jigsaw puzzle! (The harder the puzzle the more PP you will earn) Submit your screenshot of your complete puzzle once done on the forum.

Coloring by letter: Color the image and submit it on the forum!


An Interview with Tabatha | Interviewed by Kal
So you won Member of the Month - care to say a few words? Anyone that you want to thank? Ahhh! I can't believe I'm finally MOTM after being here so long. Honestly, thought I'd never achieve this awesome award :3 I'd really like to thank everyone who voted, and especially everyone who participated in the Hive Festival Carnival. I spent a ton of time planning and putting it together, and it was incredible to see how many people enjoyed it!

What originally attracted you to Unique (and no, the answer is NOT pollen!) Oh gosh, well I'd been in cults before, but at first I'm always a really shy person and it makes it difficult to fit in. One day I randomly decided to chat on a board (CCA) where most of the members were part of Unique. They were all SO friendly and immediately welcomed me into their little chat board and soon I felt like I belonged. It was an easy decision that I wanted to apply for Unique after that.

What inspires you? God this is a really hard question to answer. A lot of things inspire me. When I see someone who went from being poor, to fighting their way to the top and becoming successful (JKR anyone?), that's hugely inspiring. When I see someone fighting for a cause they believe in, that's inspiring. When I sit and look at the outdoors and how beautiful it is, and how much it changes, and how fast life changes, that's inspiring. When I look at the stars at night and think about how small we are and how huge the universe is, that's inspiring. When I hear music that gives me feelings beyond what I was feeling before, that's inspiring. I could go on and on but I won't. :P

What did you want to be when you grew up? Yikes. I still remember all of the things I wanted to be. In kindergarten I was determined to be a ballerina. From first to fifth grade I wanted to be a teacher. From sixth to eighth... I don't think I wanted to be anything. I was too scared of high school lmao. Somewhere at the end of eighth grade until I dropped out, I wanted to be an accountant. Wow my path changed weirdly LOL

Are you on the path to fulfill that career choice? No, not at all, though my dad always whines that he wants to get his own semi truck and have me be his accountant... I'd never want to do it to be honest. My heart belongs with writing or psychology :P

If you could do anything in the world, without cost, what would it be? If it can only be one thing, I'd move to England into a beautiful home next to a hot single straight British male. If it can be multiple things, I'd go to Wyoming to meet my youngest nephew, and then go to Wizarding World of Harry Potter with all of my friends, decked out like wizards and witches. And then I'd make Cartel give us all a private concert and then I'd meet One Direction and make Harry explain all of his tattoos and then have him admit that Larry is real and then I'd hug him and Louis and THEN I'd go move to England in that home next to the hot single straight British male. This is all fantasy land, I'm not insane I swear.

Would you rather be deaf or blind? I hate this question so much. I'd be so so sad never be able to listen to the music that means so much to me, or to be able to hear British accents, or the mumblings of a baby, or Luna meowing at me again... but I literally wouldn't survive without the ability to see and read and write. So, I'd be forced to go with deaf.

Whats under your bed? This is embarrassing... but all of my Bratz and Polly Pockets. I have no idea why they're still under there, I haven't played with them in well over 10 years but they continue to sit and collect dust in their containers.

Have you ever won a trophy or award (other than this prestigious title), and if so what for? I have a medal for being top reader from something, I was a kid so I have no idea tbh. And well, this didn't give me an award or trophy but I did win a competition for short stories in May of '08. That was probably my second proudest moment ever. Only topped by finishing my novel!

Any new and exciting things that you would like to share? I FINISHED MY NOVEL AHHHH :D It only took me like six years and NaNoWriMo but yeah n_n


Haiku by Anathema

I love winter time
except when my car freezes
when my doors stick shut

View more poems from the 11/25 buzz!

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