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Buzzworthy: Unique's Monthly Newsletter


November 2012





Nov 10 - IMPULSE Nov 16 - Naerest Nov 20 - Lutra
Nov 29 - Virtual    

Nov 1 - Taffysm    


New Members:
Freak (Twistd) | Gambino | Saw | Kramer | tre3s
Welcome to the cult! We hope that you have unpacked your bags and are here to stay!

Gallery Spotlight | It's Spooktacular | Owner: Taffysm
Pet Spotlight | Misuzu | Owner: teddiursa
Submit your completed galleries & pets to Kal via forum PM!


Monthly Contest
- What's under the lid? Send your answer to Siren!
- Color the turkey! Color or alter this image in any way you want (offline then scan, paint, etc) and send it to Siren!

Complete this month's wordsearch and send the answers to Siren!
Please format your answers like so:
1) answer
2) answer

Question: If your account falls inactive for over a _______, you will get a sMail on Subeta letting you know a week in advance that your account is up for removal. Send your answer to Siren!


An Interview with Flux | Interviewed by Kal
So you won Member of the Month - care to say a few words? Anyone that you want to thank?
I'll be super cheesy and say everyone! If everyone wasn't so lovely to be around I wouldn't be as active and happy here . Special thank you to those who voted for me - it honestly makes me feel so fuzzy.

What originally attracted you to Unique (and no, the answer is NOT pollen!) Aww but pollen is my homeboy. I was attracted to how everyone could just be themselves without any pressure to make the best HAs, pets or art etc. Just a bunch of friends being awesome together.

What inspires you? My brother does! He is so hardworking and has gotten through/done some crazy stuff.

What did you want to be when you grew up? I would like to be doing Genetic research in South Africa and teaching part time .

Are you on the path to fulfill that career choice? I am, yes! I would need to take TEFL courses and things for the teaching part but they only take about 10 weeks. Visas would be more of the problem, but if South Africa falls through I was born in Namibia and can go there instead without a visa .

If you could do anything in the world, without cost, what would it be? I would like to find out what happens when you die.

Would you rather be deaf or blind? Deaf! At least you have sign language.

What's under your bed? Saucy things ...NOT REALLY. Currently, suitcases from when I moved into my flat.

Have you ever won a trophy or award (other than this prestigious title), and if so what for? Uhmm a few! I won 2nd place for national showjumping in Zambia, a few track and field awards at school and a few super nerdy ones like chemistry competitions LOL.

Any new and exciting things that you would like to share? It's my birthday on the (October) 24th and I'm turning 20, WATCH OUT FOR MY EARLY MIDLIFE CRISIS.


Hive-ku by Kal

The leaves are falling
Thanksgiving is coming soon

Aditya's Morostide Adventure!

Written by: Tabatha

**NOTICE** Unique members are urged to bring their battle pets to the field behind the hive by noon in order to head to the battle field together. Please find Alicia or Awena to be placed in your proper level group and be given further instructions!

Aditya smiled, buzzing away from the ping on the board, rushing to get her pet that she'd adopted earlier that summer. The Morostide event had been in full swing when the army of monsters had arrived from Shadowglen and the Darkside. Pets from all over Subeta were rushing to join the battle, and Unique members had all decided to fly over together for safety in numbers.

Once she had her bumbus on its leash she headed out of the hive to the field where other members were grouped together with their pets. She watched for a moment as the members compared weapons, sometimes giving a lower tiered weapon to another member in need.

"Aditya! I'm glad you could make it!" a girl that Aditya recognized as Awena smiled at her before glancing down at her clipboard. "Tier 4 right? You'll be in the first group over there."

"Thanks Awena, but I... Well I don't have any weapons," Aditya admitted, feeling a bit ashamed as her eyes glanced back to the cult mates still swapping weapons.

Awena laughed well naturedly, "That's not a problem, go see Alicia; she has a store of good starter weapons that you'll find useful."

Thanking her fellow cult mate, Aditya walked over to Alicia who was handing a potion over to another member. Once she was free, Aditya informed her of her situation.

"I have just the thing for you!" Alicia proclaimed before digging through the box of weapons and coming out with a few items. "Have you ever battled before?"

When Aditya shook her head, Alicia launched into an explanation of how to use each item. After a few questions, she felt as though she understood enough to help a little bit. She thanked Alicia and headed to the group Awena had pointed out. Excitement filled her veins as Kal stood in front of them explaining their plan of attack.

Soon they were all off, flying to Shadowglen with their pets and weapons, sticking with their groups for safety. The moment they landed, everyone launched into their attacks.

Aditya hesitated; scared at the sight of the fearsome Morostide monsters for a moment before her bumbus nudged her leg, looking as eager as she felt back at the hive. With a nod she directed her pet towards a monster and tossed her the items she needed to fight.

Hours went by as Aditya and her bumbus took down monster after monster, only stopping once in awhile to heal and catch a breath before rushing back into battle. Just when she noticed her poor pet looking tired, a loud screech echoed around the land as the ground shuddered. The monsters all screeched as well before running from the battle. Aditya called her bumbus back, grouping with the other members of the cult as they waited around in fear of the sudden silence.

Another loud screech and the ground began shaking again startling them all as a huge monster no one had ever seen before came into their field.

"What is that?" Aditya yelled over the monsters noises.

No one had an answer.

"Should we leave?" another member asked from behind her. Glances were exchanged for a moment until Awena shook her head.

"Let's kill it."

Everyone cheered before rushing forward, all working together to take down the monster, using tactics of confusing it as they attacked viciously and as quickly as possible.

It took quite awhile, and wasted the rest of their healers, but finally the massive creature fell, leaving them all with incredible prizes and loads of experience.

Aditya hugged her bumbus once it was all over, "Battling is fun, but I think we need a bit more practice in the coliseum huh buddy?" The bumbus nodded its head eagerly making her laugh. She was sure she'd battle again, and hopefully she'd be able to team up again with the cult like this one day.

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