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Buzzworthy: Unique's Monthly Newsletter


September 2012



Sept 12 - Posh Sept 20 - Fennec Sept 27 - Tabatha
Sept 30 - Lexy    

Sept 4 - Mieke Sept 14 - IMPULSE Sept 14 - Posh
Sept 19 - Socks Sept 30 - Iyce  


Pet Spotlight | Naurella | Owner: Naerest
Submit your completed galleries & pets to Kal via forum PM!

Color It!
Color this month's image and send it back to Siren!

Question: What do you do if your subeta username differs from your cult forum username?
Send your answer to Siren!


An Interview with Demii | Interviewed by pinktea

This month it was my task to interview Demii, also known as Reprise or .Dei., August's Member of the Month! Here's what she had to say.

So you won Member of the Month. Congratulations! Care to say a few words? Anyone that you want to thank? I'm not sure what to really say, I'm still rather surprised about winning. But I'm really thankful to those who had voted me for Member of the Month.

What originally attracted you to Unique (and, no, the answer is NOT pollen!)? Honestly, the idea of a close-knit family of friends is what caught my eye the most. I have a lot of trouble making friends irl, and even online, and I had hoped I'd be able to make friends here. When I did, I felt more comfortable and open to being myself- Does this even make sense? Urgh, Mornings. D:

What inspires you? What inspires me? Most things around me. The strength of my friends and family, and even how crazy they are. How confident people are. All of it inspires me.

What did you want to be when you grew up? I...I don't really remember. When I was little, I'd hop around carreer dreams from Vet to Chef constantly. I at one point had even said I wanted to be a musician.

Are you on a path to fulfill that career choice? Not even close. I'm on a different path, now. Or a few paths. At this point, my career choices range between Graphic Designer to a Psychologist! I'm not sure what I'll eventually be led to career-wise.

If you could do anything in the world, without cost, what would it be? Ensure happiness to every person in the world, give those who don't have homes a home to call their own, create new jobs, and most of all just find a way to spread peace across the world. It's painful to watch so much war, hunger, and death.

Would you rather be deaf or blind? I'd rather be deaf. I'd rather see the world than hear.

What's under your bed? Under my bed? Odd question. Um...Nothing right now. My dog, Oscar, likes to hide under there when he's peeved.

Have you ever won a trophy or award (other than this prestigious title), and, if so, what was it for? I haven't won any awards or trophies before, other than like AB Honor role things. I don't really stand out like other people do. ^^; I'm happy to have won Member of the Month, though.

Are there any new and exciting things that you would like to share with us? And nope! Nothing really exciting as of yet. I'm having to take my days a minute at a time. Things have been really...hectic lately regarding my grandma.

I'm sure all of us here at Unique hope your days, even while taken a minute at a time, go as smoothly as possible. ^_^ Thanks for the interesting interview, Demii! And congratulations, again!

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