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Buzzworthy: Unique's Monthly Newsletter


August 2012





August 13 - Kyosho August 15 - lacerbeam August 17 - Siren
August 28 - funkybutton    



New Members:
Naerest | Nightclaw | melaka | Wedding | Can144
Welcome to the cult! We hope that you have unpacked your bags and are here to stay!

Gallery Spotlight | Minion Gallery | Owner: CrazyWolf
Pet Spotlight | Nivi | Owner: Bytail
Submit your completed galleries & pets to Kal via forum PM!

Complete this month's wordsearch (now available to fill out online!) and send it back to Siren!

Question: When is the next pollination day? Send your answer to Siren!

What power what you want if you could choose just one?

Monthly Contest
Caption that movie!


An Interview with Vow | Interviewed by pinktea

So you won Member of the Month - care to say a few words? Anyone that you want to thank?
I was really excited and very flattered to be chosen this month! Thank you to everyone in Unique for making the cult such a fun group to enjoy! <3

What originally attracted you to Unique? (And no, the answer is NOT pollen!)
Our dear Socks did. ^_^

What inspires you?
Nature, people who are very patient...a lot of things, really!

What did you want to be when you grew up?
A veterinarian.

Are you on the path to fulfill that career choice?
No, but I'm not sure I really would want to be one nowadays! They don't get to spend a lot of time with animals in comparison to vet techs or vet nurses.

If you could do anything in the world, without cost, what would it be?
Probably build an animal rehabilitation center or an animal hospice. Something with animals!

Would you rather be deaf or blind?
Would rather not try to compare the two and decide which I would rather be, out of respect for both the deaf and the blind.

What's under your bed?
Nothing at the moment -- we just moved! Give me a few months and I'm sure there will be plenty of lost kitty toys and a few odd socks under there.

Have you ever won a trophy or award (other than this prestigious title), and if so what for?
I think I'm a bit old to be naming trophies and awards, sorry! xD

Any new and exciting things that you would like to share?
I just moved to a new house, so that was pretty exciting (and stressful)! Now I'm looking forward to settling in and getting new things for the new house my husband and I are renting, which is always fun.

And I think we all wish you luck with settling in and doing that!

Adventures of Aditya

Written by: Tabatha

Last time: Aditya delivered a mysterious package to Mieke and the two bees along with Bambi and Julen found out that it was a lost map to the Omen Islands with a mark showing them a place for the legendary Merana treasure.

Waves crashed around the rented boat the hive of Unique had been able to acquire as they traveled to the Omen Islands. They were nearing land now, having been careful to find out where most tribes settled along the island so that they could sneak their way in. Legends told them that the Islanders weren't exactly friendly with outsiders after the last war, and they didn't want to test that particular story on themselves.

Aditya could barely contain her excitement as they hit dry land. The islands were gorgeous, a sight that she was sure she'd never see anywhere else on Subeta, not even in Delphi. The jungle was dense, the sand pure, and the sounds of wild animals called from the trees.

Kal stepped up on a barrel to address the hive, "Right, everyone get into groups of four; do not lose your group. We'll all meet up at the marked spot on the map in two hours. Be careful bees!"

Everyone cheered in agreement before beginning to go off in groups. Aditya looked around, unsure of what to do. Before she could begin to panic about not having a group someone called her name.

"Aditya, want to join us?" it was Matt, one of the very few male members of the hive.

Matt's group included Gwen and Demi, two members Aditya hadn't been able to meet yet. "Yes of course!" she agreed brightly.

The four set off into the jungle, pointing out wild Manchu's that were jumping from tree to tree along with tropical birds Aditya had never heard of before. She also got to learn about the other three more in their time in the beautiful jungle. By the time two hours had passed and Matt had gotten them nearly to the marked spot, Aditya was certain she'd pop into the Unique Chat at night to speak with them all more.

As they pushed through a particularly thick set of bushes, they heard something bizarre. It sounded like chanting along with thumping on the ground. The four exchanged glances before Matt bravely pushed through the last of the bushes to find two groups of their hive mates watching something with worried looks on their faces.

Aditya quietly walked up next to Kal who was watching with fascination in her eyes. The queen bee said nothing but nodded her head forward.

What Aditya saw then, she would never be able to forget. The Islanders were all gathered in the exact spot that was marked on the map. They had a bonfire the size of the Wizards hut blazing in a large clearing as they all danced around it, chanting words that were in a language unknown to any of the bees.

"Before we came here, I did some research," whispered Kal to the three groups gathered there. "Today is the anniversary of the day they sacrificed a girl named Amy by force. It's said that they gather on Merana's old hiding ground to celebrate their freedom of the wicked woman."

As she finished her story the groups noticed something. Some of their hive mates were amongst the Islanders, celebrating with them. Mieke, who was currently dancing around the fire, noticed them by chance and waved them forward. A few Islanders noticed her action and went forward to the bushes they were hiding in and pulled the twelve terrified bees out, forcing them to join the dancing.

After the initial shock and fear of the well built and wild look of the Islanders passed, everyone was able to relax and celebrate alongside the Islanders with ease.

The night wore on and the Islanders gave them all food, told them stories, and laughed with them over random things. To the small bee, those things were worth much more than some legendary hidden treasure that likely didn't exist.

Aditya was overwhelmed by the time the hive clambered onto their boat again. All in one day she found the lost Omen Islands along with her hive mates, explored the jungle, made new friends, and was able to celebrate with Islanders, something no other hive of bees would ever be able to do.

One thing was for certain though; she couldn't wait to have her next adventure.

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