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Buzzworthy: Unique's Monthly Newsletter


July 2012





July 8 - Reprise July 9 - Orc July 19 - Kitten
July 20 - Apathy July 23 - Floyd  

July 8 - Apathy July 17 - Anathema July 18 - Mouse2212
July 29 - Change    


New Members:
Accio | Fennec | Opundo
Welcome to the cult! We hope that you have unpacked your bags and are here to stay!

Gallery & Pet Spotlight | Submit your completed galleries & pets to Kal via forum PM!

Complete this month's wordsearch and send it back to Siren!

Question: What unique staff member has "Torn hair magazine page: Jules" listed as their favorite subeta item? Send your answer to Siren!

What kind of activities would you like to see more of in the cult?

Monthly Contest
Christmas in July - Creating a Christmas Carol

You are to take a pre-existing Christmas Carol and change the words to match something which has Subeta or Unique as the theme :) If you live in a country outside of the US you are free to use a Christmas song from your own country as well.

Please provide the name of the original song (lyrics if you can provide them) as well as your submission. View the forum here!

Some links for accoustic Christmas music:

You can of course use youtube, search google, or any other means if you prefer to use one with lyrics in it to help you develop your own.
You do not need to change the entire song, you can edit just a few words here and there if you want.

An example of changing "Let it snow" to a maplestory theme:

Oh, the Black Crow outside is frightful,
But the drops are so delightful,
Christmas shopping requires lots of meso,
Let's kick butt, let's kick butt, let's kick butt.

He doesn't show signs of stopping,
Good thing I brought a priest for healing;
The weather is causing frostbite,
Let's hurry up, let's hurry up, let's hurry up.

Well he puts up a good fight,
How I'll hate it if nothing good drops;
But if we cross our fingers tight,
We'll soon have our rewards.

Oh, Black Crow is finally dying,
And, my dear, it's time for good-bye-ing,
So, Thanks for healing me tonight.
I'm going home, I'm going home, I'm going home


An Interview with Siren | Interviewed by pinktea

So you won Member of the Month - congratulations! Care to say a few words? Anyone that you want to thank?
Definitely a big thank you to the people who nominated and those who voted. I hadn't even expected to be nominated let alone win so it was a very pleasant surprise. So on that note: to anyone else who doesn't think they could one day be answering this interview you could happily be wrong. :)

What originally attracted you to Unique (and no, the answer is NOT pollen!)?
The very first thing was the fact it was not focused on any one feature of subeta, but in fact any part of it someone enjoyed was welcomed. After reading the thread and front post a bit more I quickly saw the family-like atmosphere and knew this would be the home for me.

What inspires you?
In life: My son. He is my motivator for a lot of things and I take on more stuff than I want something because I know it is necessary for his happiness and success in life.
In subeta: Nothing really, haha. I'm pretty bored there at the moment. My wardrobe used to entice me but since that was costing a minimum of $50 a month BEFORE custom wearables came out I gave up. Now I just train my pet :)

What did you want to be when you grew up?
A lawyer, child psychologist, or a teacher.

Are you on the path to fulfill that career choice?
I did start college in the beginning to be a psychologist but I realized within the first week it wasn't going to be the place for me. I then turned to business and have been pretty successful at it. Although I have not reached my childhood dreams I am on a path to open my own (internet) business within the next few years.

I - as well as everyone else in Unique, I'm almost positive! - wish you luck with your future business, Siren!

If you could do anything in the world, without cost, what would it be?
Take my entire family (anyone who wanted to go) on a trip around the world where we could see everything it has to offer. A world cruise would probably work with that goal.

That would be such a sweet thing to do! :)

Would you rather be deaf or blind?
Deaf. At least with being deaf I can read lips pretty well. Being blind (I've tried this by closing my eyes a lot as a child) is much harder in my opinion. Anyone who is blind and leading a successful life are heroes to me.

What's under your bed?
The floor. Literally that is it. xD

Have you ever won a trophy or award (other than this prestigious title), and if so what for?
Real life: I've won awards all the time in school. Mostly for good academics and I got some oddball once I can't even recall when I graduated. No clue how I got it and it was sponsored by some racetrack group. o.O I've won some ribbons in small sports event when I was in Elementary but did not pursue sports beyond that.

Any new and exciting things that you would like to share?
There is some fun stuff being developed behind the scenes I think the cult members are going to be ecstatic over. :) Beyond that - my lips are sealed. ;)

Oooh, I can't wait to find out what that fun stuff is!

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