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Buzzworthy: Unique's Monthly Newsletter


June 2012





June 2 - teddiursa June 4 - BoneCollector June 8 - Lynx
June 15 - Anathema June 28 - Iyce June 29 - Memoria

June 3 - Virtual June 6 - Zabrie June 6 - Lutra
June 10 - RejectedDreams June 13 - yoake_blanche June 30 - Tabatha


New Members:
Demii | EmmahhCee | Opalize | Pinktea | lacerbeam | FLUX | Accio | Porcelain
Welcome to the cult! We hope that you have unpacked your bags and are here to stay!

Gallery & Pet Spotlight | Submit your completed galleries & pets to Kal via forum PM!

Game Challenge
Get it on with Donkey Kong!
Highest scorer will receive a random item from the safe, all participants will earn 25 PP.

What is your favorite part of Unique?


Iyce's Freelance Interview | Kal & Tabatha

To kick off the revival of Unique's cult paper Buzzworthy, I thought it would be fun to ask a few questions of the people behind it all, and get to know a bit more about their Subeta Life. My two interviewess this month are Kal - Unique's founder, and Tabby - Buzzworthy's Member Submissions Editor. Let's start things off with Kal.

How long were you a member of Subeta before starting Unique?
A little over two years

Tell us how our cult came to be.
Well, three years ago there weren't really any cults other than Chic, and I never have been interested in HA's. So I decided to create a cult that fit a different niche, for those that didn't fit into Chic's field of interests.

Had you considered applying to Chic?
Not at all, mainly because human avatars are of no interest to me. I wanted something DIFFERENT

Did you have any previous experience running cults or..guilds?
Not really. On Neo I was part of the council for the guild I was in there but due to the rules of the site we weren't allowed to do much on there.

What is your favorite Subetan Holiday?
Zombie Pandemic, hands down.

Why am I not surprised?
Because you know me so well. [Zombiessss]

What is your least favorite activity to do on Subeta?
Anything that I perceive as work. If it feels like a task that HAS to be done, chances are I hate it. Top of this list is questing.

Do you have a favorite quest to do? (or at least one you find tolerable?)
I always do my Battle Quests if I am able to, but other than that - Saggitarius I suppose for the sP reward. But I hardly ever do them.

What are you most looking forward to with the relaunch of Buzzworthy?
Sharing all the happenings of the cult monthly with members!

What are you favorite type of submissions to see in the newspaper?

Will you be submitting anything yourself?
I plan on writing news recaps for the cult. Creatively? [Who ] knows

What is one thing you hope every Bee experiences at least once as a member of Unique?
The hilarity of the IRC

I've heard rumors that Aditya will be having her own monthly adventures in Buzzworthy. What sort of mischief would you like to see her get into?
Tough to tell, that gal is one adventurous bee

Okay, let's wrap things up with Fast Five. I'm going to say five words, tell me the first thing that comes to mind when you see each one. Clear? No filtering, just your first thought as fast as you can

Aditya: Bee

SQL Error: Subeta

Old Wizard Panties: Boner staff (Don't go look it up. You've been warned)

IRC: poop

Neo: Charter


Okay, now it's Tabby's turn!

How long have you been a member of Subeta?
3 years, 6 months, 3 weeks, 4 days

How long have you been in Unique?
Since late June of 09, not too long after the cult was created

What first drew you to Unique?
Well, I had [wandered] into a chat board, CCA and many of the people there were in Unique, and they were all so incredibly welcoming and friendly

(Tabby accidentally misspelled wandered [wanded] in our little IRC chat, so I couldn't resist throwing in a magical question)

Who do you think should have been killed in the Harry Potter series that wasn't?
Many of the characters that I felt deserved to die did so, (Voldy, Bellatrix, Pettigrew) but I guess.. maybe Umbridge? i wouldn't mind the HP world being without her.

What is your favorite Subetan Holiday and Why?
I think I'd either have to say Morostide or Luminaire cause with Morostide, when I first joined it was going on... so it's always sort of reminded me of when i very first joined Subeta.. plus there's always tons to do! Luminaire... well I love spending tons of money on my friends and sending gifts out with cute messages

What is your least favorite activity to do on Subeta?
Well I'm not a huge fan of posting on the forums, nor do I really like dealing with anything pet wise beyond having initially gotten them and changed their colours. I'm no good with pet stories or anything else involving them

What is one Subeta goal you've always wanted to accomplish but haven't been able to yet?
To complete one of the main collections (stickers/beanbags/plushies)

Are you close to completing one of the collections?
oh I forgot to add in trading cards. I'm the closest with that one but still... it's difficult to save up for the pricier items in the collections.

Alright, now on to the formal questions.

You are Unique's Member Submissions Coordinator, what does your job entail?
Well, firstly I write a continuing story each month (adventures of Aditya). As for submissions, when someone wants to send in a short story/poem/comic/etc they send it to me, i overlook it to see that its appropriate, and have them fix anything that needs to be fixed before deciding if it should be published in that months paper.

Ooh the Adventures of Aditya, sounds like she's been a busy bee lately. Can you give us a hint of what's in store for Unique's favorite mascot bee?
I'd love to, but you'll just have to check the newspaper to find out. I can tell you that she's always finding new exciting things to do though!

Not even a hint! You're a tough bee
Aditya likes her stories to be top secret till they're published

(Sure Tabby, blame it on the other bee)

So Aditya will be starring in her own serial, what other kinds of submissions do you accept?
Pretty much anything really! brittany (guenwyvar) has submitted comics in one of our past newsletters with some really cute art. I just want to see our bees get as creative as they can in any form of writing or drawings. We don't want our stories that are submitted to be [too] long though, but it doesn't even have to be Subeta related to [be submitted]

What's your favorite kind of submission to receive?
Hmm probably stories. It's interesting to see other bee's styles of writings and what their minds can create.

What's your personal artistic medium of choice? Pen? Keyboard? Pencil? Paint?
Oh god, i can't draw to save my life, so certainly keyboard. My hand writing is awful too...

Do you have a favorite drawing you've done in the past?
The only drawing I can think of that I've even done moderately well would have to be a scenery picture Ii sketched (badly) during art class in my freshman year of high school. I think I still have it around my room somewhere...

What scene did you sketch?
A big oak tree with a tire swing, with a little house next to it. Nothing incredible

Sounds pretty picturesque to me

So, Unique is re launching Buzzworthy, a monthly cult newspaper, what are you most excited about with the re launch?
Having members more active with the newspaper! I'm excited to get the teamwork back in motion and start receiving submissions from everyone.

Speaking of members becoming more active with the paper, If a Bee has a submission for Buzzworthy how can they get in the paper?
Just send me a message on our offsite forums, or if you really don't want to use the offside forums you can sMail me. if they have any questions concerning their submissions, they can also ask them in that form as well. When it's time to hand it into Kal I'll see which ones are best fit for that months newspaper depending on how many have been sent in and finalized.

Anything else the Bees should know about Buzzworthy?
I guess the one thingI'd want them to know is... if you have an idea for a submission, don't push it off till later, the sooner you get it in the better.

And don't be shy about it!

To wrap things up I'm going to say five words, tell me the first thing that comes to mind when you see each one. Clear? No filtering, just your first thought as fast as you can

Aditya: bee!


Old Wizard Panties: (giggling) pervert


Neo: Pets

Well that's all for now Unique. This is Sarah codename aka Iyce signing off. Is there anyone in Unique that you'd like to see interviewed in the next edition of Buzzworthy? Drop me a line, sMail, email, whatever works for you, and watch your back Unique, my next interviewee could!

k Unique, my next interviewee could!


Adventures of Aditya

Written by: Tabatha

It was a bright summer day, the heat unbearable for even the most summer loving bee. The Unique hive seemed quiet, but a slight hum informed Aditya that several of the cult mates were indeed still inside. She figured most of them would be at Delphi Beach trying to fight off the heat with the feeling of the cool ocean waters, but evidently even the thought of swimming wasn't appealing to many on this hot day. Sighing as she thought of the list of cult duties she had to finish before going out to play, she decided to get to work so that she could head to the beach as well.

After nearly an hour of posting bulletins in their proper place, Aditya rushed to the front desk of the hive, grabbing up notifications that needed to be sent to specific members. Hastily, she began buzzing around the hive, dropping letters into the boxes of each bee that lay outside their honeycomb.

Finally, she reached the last hive she had a delivery for, and just as she went to drop the flimsy package into the box in front of the honey comb labeled 'Mieke', said bee came out of the comb and bumped into Aditya. The package went flying and burst out of the badly wrapped paper before falling to the floor in pieces. Aditya rushed to put the parts back together as Mieke apologized over and over for knocking the sweet bee down. "Hey that looks like... but it can't be!" exclaimed Mieke as she kneeled down to help Aditya gather the papers into a pile.

"Can't be what?" asked Aditya curiously as she looked closer at the pieces of paper, which she now realized were ripped and a bit faded. She had no idea what they could possibly be.

Mieke didn't answer as she pulled the pieces apart and started sitting them side by side, occasionally sliding them around to make them fit together like a puzzle. Just then two more bees came out into the hall to see what all the noise was about. Julen and Bambi crouched down to get a look at the picture Mieke had put together using the pieces of paper. Both of them gasped at the same time.

"Jesus Christ is this map real?" Julen asked excitedly, inspecting the old paper closely.

Bambi scoffed softly, "There's no way that this is genuine. No one has been able to get to the Omen Islands since the war years ago. The Pirates and Islanders both agreed to burn all copies of the map."

Aditya's eyes widened, "The Omen Islands are real? I thought they were just the thing of legends... What's this mark here?" she questioned pointing her finger to a small red X in the center of the island.

"Ooh I bet it's the hidden treasure Merana hid on the islands centuries ago... I've heard legends about it," Mieke murmured as she picked up the piece and looked at it more closely. "It looks like it's the furthest spot from all of the Islander tribes..."

"Let's go!" Julen and Bambi exclaimed loudly at the same time, pausing a moment to look at each other before laughing and calling "Jinx!" at the same time.

Meanwhile, Mieke disappeared to her beehive a moment before coming out with some crafts which she quickly used to piece and glue the map together on another large piece of paper.

"Do you think we should take the rest of Unique with us?" Aditya wondered out loud. "This is south of the Sacred Lands... It would take us at least a day to get there by flight and then we'd need to get a boat..."

The four females contemplated this as Mieke scoured the map for the best place to start off on in the Sacred Lands to sail smoothly to the islands. Finally after a moment she nodded and looked up at Aditya, "Go inform Kal, she can use the Unique ping to get everyone gathered and ready to go. Go get ready ladies, Unique is going to the Omen Islands for some treasure!"

To be continued...

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