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Buzzworthy: Unique's Monthly Newsletter


March 2012





March 21 - Oubliette March 25 - Patience  

March 9 - funkybutton March 21 - Mel March 24 - Oubliette
March 28 - Pammy    


New Members:
Fred | Floyd | Orc Welcome to the cult! We hope that you have unpacked your bags and are here to stay!

Gallery Spotlight | Green Collection of DOOM | Owner: bytail
Pet Spotlight | Tristain | Owner: Mel

Word Search Game Challenge
Win 50 PP by completing this month's game challenge. Find the following words: diagon alley | harry potter | hogwarts | horcrux | malfoy | muggle | potions | quidditch | snape | spell | voldemort
Send your completed word search to Kal!

What do you put on YOUR taco?

Comics by Guenhwyvar

Member of the Month
| Sugary | Joined December 1st, 2011
Simona has been chosen as the MOTM for March because of her sweet tooth and love for purses!

So you won Member of the Month - care to say a few words? Anyone that you want to thank? Of course I would like to thank all of you guys. I am very proud to be part of the family and I apologize for my English is not correct.

What originally attracted you to Unique (and no, the answer is NOT pollen!):
It's the most active cult on Subeta and people are friendly and also I'm a bit annoying at times you are always there for me ILU.

What inspires you? My son of course without him my days wouldn't be so sunny, so emotional and so less stressful =) and my hubby too I LOVE him with all my hearts and purses OFCOURSE bags inspired me I can't live without purses.

What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted be hotel's manager or restaurant's manager owned by me. Of course but at the moment I'm proud to be mom and wife ... But maybe one day.

Are you on the path to fulfill that career choice? Sadly not at the moment but I won't give up my dreams

If you could do anything in the world, without cost, what would it be? Travelling around the world, knowing all languages and buy a lot of purses.

Would you rather be deaf or blind? Deaf... So I could see the faces of my children.

What's under your bed? Dust ...a lots of dust ...but the dirty one not magic!!!

Have you ever won a trophy or award (other than this prestigious title), and if so what for? Nope I'm not good with competition.

Any new and exciting things that you would like to share? OF COURSE in two months I'll be mom again. So excited!

Comics by Guenhwyvar
Adventures of Aditya (Continued)

Written by: Tabatha

Time flew by for Aditya in the cozy hive called Unique ever since she'd first joined. After she had gotten adjusted in the cult, they'd deemed her a 'mascot' of sorts, giving her special jobs that most bees wouldn't be able to do. She ran several special events, and stepped up to the plate to help figure out which bee had been attacking the hive. But for once, her plate was empty, and she was very determined to spend her day exploring a part of Subeta she'd never been able to enter before: the custom wearable market!

Ever since the market had opened, she'd heard whispers about how crazy it was. And considering the fabulous clothes that'd come from the market, she honestly couldn't blame everyone for being so excited about it. She was determined to see it for herself today, so she grabbed her purse and winter jacket, and headed out of her honey comb.

As she reached the exit of the hive, she ran into a fellow bee, they began speaking as they left the hive and Aditya learned that the girl was Sugary, the Italian bee that was also Member of the month for that month! It turned out she was heading for the market as well, and the two decided to go together since Sugary was much more familiar with the market than Aditya was.

When they'd arrived, Aditya was surprised by the sheer amount of people crowded into the large place. She'd heard how extremely expensive the clothes were, so she'd figured that the place would be more scarce than Subeautique. She quickly realized why it was so packed though. Even though the prices were more than she could really afford... the clothes were absolutely stunning.

Sugary explained carefully to Aditya about how there were very few of each item, but sometimes you could get the creator to create more of them. She even pointed out some cute wigs and pink wearables that she was dying to get her hands on. Aditya thought that the cutesy wearables would suit Sugary's sweet personality very well.

Soon enough they came across a huge crowd circling a great display with a name of a designer that Aditya had never heard of. That's when she noticed two heads she recognized from the hive. Guenhwyvar and Addict were chatting over a display of leopard print leggings, seeming to debate the pros and cons of buying them compared to something else they were pointing to.

When Sugary and Aditya joined the two, they heard Addict sigh and say, "I suppose I could try to get together some more money for the pants later on." Guen nodded and pat Addict on the back before turning towards her cult mates and gasping.

"Hey you guys! Are you looking for new clothes? I think the newest line of wears just sold out though..." She muttered the last sentence while throwing a glance towards the other end of the shop where several people were leaving, hugging their purchases to their chests.

"Addie was looking for her first custom wearable!" Sugary happily announced, making Aditya blush a bit. Everyone around them clearly had at least one custom wearable, and she didn't want others to think less of her because she didn't have one yet.

Addict and Guen seemed to look Aditya over a moment before looking at each other, and nodding without saying a word. "We know the perfect thing for you!" Addict happily announced, taking the surprised bee by the hand and pulling her to the back of the shop, where very few people were passing through.

She gasped when the girls pointed out the shirt. It was absolutely perfect for her, and in her price range. Yellow with black flowers elegantly cascading diagonally down the shirt, it suited her bee-tastic wardrobe taste perfectly! Sugary even commented on how great the shirt would look with the pants Aditya currently had on, and the bee had to agree with her.

So without further ado, the girls headed to the checkout line, Addict buying the cute leopard print leggings and Aditya her yellow and black top. She felt great having experienced something new in the Subetan world, and couldn't wait to have more adventures and make even more new friends in her hive. 

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